Stakes 5-1000
From 10 players and 1 000 000 buy-ins
per month
If you’ve already played in the pool before, just send us a message via
Confirm your settings and you’re good to go.
A player receives his poolEV plus his share in the pool swing.
PoolEV is EV of a player which is included in the pool. By default the influence of x12000 multiplier on Pokerstars and x10000, x1000/400 on Winamax are excluded from the EV calculation.
If a player applies custom settings to the multipliers in the pool, then his PoolEV takes it into account.
EV is the sum of PoolEV of each pool member.
NetWon is the sum of real money which the pool members have won. It doesn’t include a rakeback.
We sum up the EV results of each tournament played in the pool and all the Newton results, and then count the difference between these amounts. Each player receives a share in the swing.
Pool swing is the difference between expectation and reality
If the swing is positive, all players get a supplement to their EV. And the other way around: with a negative swing, player's profit regarding his EV is reduced by player's share in the swing.
The share in the swing depends on the amount of buy-ins
Receives the money if he has a downswing or sends the money
if he has an upswing