Hyperschool - Отчеты



To verify pool results please order audit for the period of pool plus one day before. Audit should contain at least one record after the pool period ends. For example registration after in the tournament, cancelation of registration, transaction.

Open Pokerstars client, select Tools from the menu on the right, and in the left-hand select Playing History Audit, fill in the dates, password, tick the Include StarsCoin / VPP columns in my report. Select the Text (CSV) format.

How to order audit

Hand histories

To verify hand histories use HyperTracker, verification tab. We verify EV without getting original hand histories, that’s why the software is approved by PS.

Open Pokerstars client, select Help from the menu on the right, in the menu on the left — Contact Support, in the center of the window there will be an Open Contact Support Form button. Select English, the Poker category, then Request Hand History Reports.

You can use this template:

Hi dear PokerStars team! I kindly ask you to send my Hand Histories for the period from 31.01.2025 to 01.03.2025.

How to order hand histories