Chardonyay's interview
Today we’re interviewing a lady and we’re in a very excited state because of this. Can't wait to get started. Hi, Chardonyay!
Do you prefer EV-profit or rakeback? What is more satisfying?
Whatever is the most profitable for me at the given moment. Right now I prefer softer games and not too much volume, so I think I lean towards EV-profit.
EV-profit is more satisfying. Beating the game and studying my opponents and max exploiting them is the goal. It's like taking apart a machine to see how it works, and then breaking it xD
Playing lots of hours for rakeback just isn’t my style, to me it has always seemed like lots of autopiloting. To me it’s boring, I like to be in the moment, fully immersed in the game. This is where I have the most fun.
How do you work on your game?
Mostly I review HH with solvers, and ask for advice from my (Nemesis Backing) coaches if questions arise. I take part in their coaching sessions as much as I can, and watch and take notes of theory videos.
How many hours does a standard session last?
On a typical day I play around 4 hours in a day, breaking my hours into around 1.5-2h sessions.
How do you feel about bad beats?
Mostly I don't care. But of course I'm not a robot, and if there have been many in a row, it can get on my nerves a bit. But then I remind myself that this is why this game is profitable.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs AND Cats!!! <3 And all other animals too!
How many tables do you play at the same time?
I try to play 6 simultaneously, depending on traffic. So, 4-6 mostly.
What software do you use?
Hand2Note, Sharkscope, PT4, GTOBase, SimplePostflop
For how long have you been playing at this stake and how quickly did you get to it?
I have played my home stake 50€ for a couple of months. I was stuck at 25€ for around 2 years. But this limit was softer too back then so I didn't really feel motivated enough to try to get better and move up the stakes.
But last year I pulled myself together and started actively learning to get better at poker, and here I am. So I guess I could say it took me 2-3 years to get to 50€, without actively pursuing it. Right now I'm trying to get my foot between a 100€ door. I'm pretty sure I'll be conquering new heights very soon!
Who from our pool do you consider to be a strong regular at your stake and why?
I don't know many regs in our pool who play at my stakes, because the nicknames differ :) I think ROIMAS is the best in my stakes, because he has consistently good results. And I can proudly say he has coached me most things I know about Spins, so massive respect goes out to him!
What would you wish pool beginners and guys with low stakes?
Lots of patience, willingness to work hard, continuous learning, childlike curiosity in the game!
Poker gets tougher by the minute. Many regs I have played against, also many people I know have dropped at least one stake or even quit playing because they didn't put effort into getting better. I think it's mostly because of lack of interest. So it is crucial to study a lot, because if you don't, you're actively falling behind the competition.
Also since times are tougher, if you are really taking this seriously and want to build a bankroll, then I suggest joining a pool. If you run exceptionally bad, then you won't lose your bankroll and you will get to your goals faster, instead of being held back by insufficient bankroll and pressure. I think starting from 25€ it is mandatory these days.
To the new guys in the pool - you are in the right place! GLHF!
Have you played in another pool?
Yes, in a very small one.
Why did you choose HS?
To minimize variance, to focus on more important things than swings.